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Saturday, November 15, 2008

54 DWI arrests on Halloween in Austin

The Austin Police Department arrested 54 people within an eight-hour span during the Halloween "no refusal" weekend.

Out of those arrests, 26 people refused to give a sample of their breath, but after a search warrant was signed by a judge, they had their blood drawn.

Of the lot, seven people had a blood alcohol level twice the legal limit, 19 had a blood alcohol limit higher than that.

"I would need another team of officers to do it full-time," Lt. David Mahoney said. "So I would say, I would like to do it more often, but right now, we are only sticking to large holidays or weekends where statistics show there are large numbers of DWI arrests."

APD plans to do another "no refusal" during New Year's Eve celebrations.

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