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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Austin police: Teen drunk driver hit pregnant woman

Austin police said a man that was driving while intoxicated slammed into the right side of a car in a Wendy's Drive-Thru, injuring a pregnant woman sitting in the passenger seat.

The Austin Police Department said they have charged Manuel Grijalva, 18, with failure to stop and render aid after they said he slammed his Chevy suburban into the side a car in which Melissa Muniz was a passenger. Muniz's car was waiting at the drive-thru at the Wendy's on 2224 East Riverside Dr. A witness say the suburban didn't stop after hitting the other car, but continued on down Riverside Drive.

54 DWI arrests on Halloween in Austin

The Austin Police Department arrested 54 people within an eight-hour span during the Halloween "no refusal" weekend.

Out of those arrests, 26 people refused to give a sample of their breath, but after a search warrant was signed by a judge, they had their blood drawn.

Of the lot, seven people had a blood alcohol level twice the legal limit, 19 had a blood alcohol limit higher than that.